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Cooperation发音. The practice of cooperating 网络释义 cooperacooperation翻译及发音. 因为我有你在我心里 "thank for your love"中文翻译 谢谢你的爱. Joint operation or action 2.

Credit management, quality first, the first cooperation. The act of working together with someone or doing what they ask you:. Credit management, quality first, the first cooperation.

Corporation与conpany还有cooperation有什么区别 累的三个读音的用法区别 薄的几种读音该如何区分?. All four verbs can be used to give information. 发音指南:学习如何用母语英语中的“Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation”发音,“Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation”英文翻译和音频发音.

"your cooperation"中文翻译 你方的合作 "thank you love you"中文翻译 我遇见一个只懂我的人我会提醒自己把这份爱收好;. The technical cooperation and cultural exchanges between the two countries are daily on the increase. View you 发音区别听词典上的发音好像是一样的,音标vju: 前面的v不发音吗.

The International Monetary Fund works to foster global monetary cooperation的发音 发音者 stlowery (男,来自美国). 两国之间的技术合 和文化交流正在与日俱增。 As a result, besides teachers' numerable recap and review, parental cooperation is required as well. 首页 > cooperation读音-cooperation corporation发音区别 发布时间: 所属栏目: cooperation读音 一 :.

NU when you work with someone to achieve something that you both want cooperation with political co-operation with Britain in cooperation with sb A study was undertaken in co-operation with oil companies. Apec--如何发音 今天看新闻,为什么“apec”读作" a-paike", 而不是一个单词一个单词的读? 我之前一直读成“a-p-e-c” 这样读有什么讲究吗? 求解 我指的是 亚太经合组织的那个apecapec真的很多. Cooperation (sometimes written co-operation or co?peration) is the process of working or acting together.

Read, say, write, tell 哪个动词表示 “写着”? Episode 1104 / 04 Nov. Ju: ,例如dude(哥们),excuse(原谅)等,发类似于“哟”的音,发这个音的时候u算元音字母,如果它是一个可数名词且单数且u在开头,前面的a要变成an2.ʌ ,例如bus(公共汽车),unknown(未知的)等,发短“啊”的音 如果你学过音标对你学英语的发音会非常有帮助,就跟咱们的拼音. We took steps to compel their cooperation的发音 发音者 kaytykat123 (女,来自加拿大);.

相同元音组合的不同发音 i?seriousexperience ara:farmcard erei?heresincere ?dollarsugar ?r/e?therewhere ??warmquarter oo?:roommoon eai:seasonmeat ?goodfoot ebreadweather ?bloodflood eigreatbreak or??shortform i?ideareally ?:workworld ear?:learnearth ?doctoractor i?hearnear oor??doorfloor er. Cooperation的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握cooperation这个单词。 微信小程序搜索 英语翻译查词 ,使用更方便 cooperation是什么意思,cooperation怎么读 英. An egalitarian society based on cooperation and public service.

Accommodative , combined , concerted , conjunct. We took steps to compel their cooperation. Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems.

Burglar alarm companies claim they work in close co-operation with the police. 你们的协作对我们帮助极大。 We calculate on their cooperation. In its simplest form it involves things working in harmony, while in its more complicated forms, it can involve something as complex as the inner workings of a human being or even the social patterns of a nation.

The International Monetary Fund works to foster global monetary cooperation. Your cooperation means much a great deal to us. Cooperation corporation发音区别 请告诉我那个发音不同.

常用英语词库international cooperation中文内容的意思是什么,international cooperation英语朗诵发音 本站共包含有43万多个英语单词目录,全部有词组international cooperation的意思和在线朗诵发音,international cooperation中文意思。. He gave courses in Technical Writing and in Pronunciation for postgraduates, PHD students and Professors of the School of Electro-Mechanical Engineering, Xidian University. (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation亚太经贸合作组织) OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织) GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test企业管理硕士生入学测试).

竞争性合作 "consumptive cooperation"中文翻译 消费合作 "continue cooperation"中文翻译 继续合作. Cooperation between the lack of effective co-operation between industry and higher education. 创建此页面是为了解释 cooperation 的含义。在这里,您可以找到英语和其他 40 种语言 cooperation 的完整定义。首先,您可以通过单击音频图标来收听美国英语和英国英语 cooperation 的发音。接下来,我们列出 cooperation 的最流行的 Web 定义。.

He is a researcher of the French Centre for International Cultural Studies and in charge of the international cooperation agreement.

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